What Makes Us Humans? Vol. 2: A migration pattern
For the second volume of What Makes Us Humans? the study will be based on How Humans Move, in the sense of migration, and its later impact in human culture. Are we moving back to a common understanding or are we, on the contrary, moving forward to a fragmented culture divided into smaller common interests? Are we a particular group of people at a particular moment of time, or are we all writing the same book? What should interest the humankind? Is multiculturalism a mono-culture?
Humans had always migrated. To move is to migrate. To learn, to understand is to migrate. To evolve is to migrate. The children of this migration process are therefore, part of a wider culture. They do not escape; they search, they are looking for a new understanding for their wider culture. They search.
What Makes Us Humans? Is an ongoing project studying the core of the human meaning. It questions the human response to reality and searches for a wider perception of our context not limiting the way we learn only from our senses. It pretends to expand the comprehension outside the human understanding. It suspects a different set of laws, if any, where beings and things are more connected between them as they are now, in our actual understanding. Although it rejects the common categorization of things, it also accepts the idea that everything is shaped by a bigger pattern, maybe even a mathematical one, where human actions are also taken as mathematical powers. Its aim is to understand the upcoming Paradigm (Thomas Kuhn) in order to understand better the human future.